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The Starlost: Farthing’s Comet (1973)   4 comments

Above:  Dr. Linus Farthing, Chief Astronomer of the Earth Ship Ark

A Screen Capture



Aired December 22, 1973


The episode is available here.


Keir Dullea as Devon

Gay Rowan as Rachel

Robin Ward as Garth


Edward “Supertrain” Andrews as Dr. Linus Farthing, Chief Astronomer

Linda Sorensen as Dr. McBride

Allen Stewart-Coates as Computer Voices

William Osler as Computer Host and Voice


Series created by Cordwainer Bird (Harlan Ellison)

Episode written by Douglas Hall (Credited)

Episode written by Norman Klenman (Uncredited)

Story Consultant = Norman Klenman

Director = Ed Richardson (the Associate Producer)

Producer = William Davidson

Executive Producers = Douglas Trumbull and Jerry Zeitman

Above:  Our Main Characters at the Sphere Projector

A Screen Capture


This episode opens with Devon, Rachel, and Garth, clad in their usual Cypress Corners attire, in a tunnel.  The Earth Ship Ark is rocking and shaking.  The nearest sphere projector, which does not know the source of the external attack, refers the trio to the Director of Security and to the Chief Astronomer.  Unfortunately, the Director of Security is available only by appointment.  The Chef Astronomer is not taking calls either, but the sphere projector provides directions to the aft Astronomy Module.  Devon, Rachel, and Garth head for the Astronomy Module and enter it.

Dr. Linus Farthing, the Chief Astronomer, is absorbed in his work.  In the adjacent office, Dr. McBride is monitoring damage to the Ark.

Dr. Farthing has fired the auxiliary reactors of the Ark and altered its course so he can become the first (human) astronomer to get close to the nuclear of a comet.  In so doing, he has placed the ark in the paths of meteors.

Both Drs. Farthing and McBride have known about the impending doom of the Ark and given up all hope.

Devon, forgetting that he is the Ark commander, argues with Dr. Farthing.  Finally,, Devon wears Dr. Farthing down.  The Chief Astronomer agrees to let Devon, Rachel, and Garth take the small repair craft, A.S.C. 45, and repair the auxiliary reactors, damaged in the meteor shower.  This repair must occur outside the Ark.  Drs. Farthing and McBride take turns telling our trio what to do.  Devon conducts the repair.  Rachel and Garth remain inside the A.S.C. 45.  Perils and dramas arise, but they pass.  Oh, and Drs. Farthing and McBride argue.  He accuses her of bickering.  She denies bickering.

Dr. Farthing fires the repaired auxiliary reactors and takes the Ark away from the meteors.  Devon, Rachel, and Garth are back on the Ark, which is back on course to collide with a “Class-G solar star.”

Devon does nothing within his authority as the Ark commander.

Above:  Dr. McBride

A Screen Capture


Where is the laundry in the tubes and corridors of the Earth Ship Ark?

Where are the bathrooms and showers in tubes and corridors of the Earth Ship Ark?

How does Garth maintain that early 1970s haircut while on the run in the tubes and corridors of the Earth Ship Ark?

Given that Devon, Rachel, and Garth have been to the Bridge, why do they need to find the backup Bridge?

Who educated, trained, credentialed and hired the Director of Security, Dr. Farthing, and Dr. McBride?

Does the Director of Security know about the Ark’s impending collision with a “Class-G solar star”?

If so, does the Director of Security care?

Who is the Director of Security?

Why are so many people on the Ark fatalistic?

Why does Devon not invoke his authority as the Ark commander?  (The Return of Oro)

Why does Devon’s level of interest in saving the Ark vary from episode to episode, and sometimes within an episode?

How did Rachel and Garth know how to pilot the A.S.C. 45?

Above:  Green Egg Crate Foam

A Screen Capture


Farthing’s Comet, which has too little story, is tedious and full of padding and drama that lacks suspense.

It I ever have nightmares about The Starlost, those dreams will feature green egg crate foam prominently.  The foam is ubiquitous in this series.  It is in the walls.  People sit on it.  They stop on it.  And they recline on it.  The foam must have been on sale in Toronto in 1973.

Devon, as the Ark commander, has the power to fire Dr. Farthing, I suppose.

The shooting model of the Ark is in Dr. McBride’s office.

Farthing’s Comet has more plot holes than a big block of Swiss cheese.

The Starlost has jettisoned the last vestiges of its premise with Farthing’s Comet.  We still have three episodes to go, however.  The sensible ending would have been (a) steer the Ark out of immediate danger, (b) fire Dr. Farthing, (c) revive some engineers in cryonic suspension, per Lazarus from the Mist, (d) get the main reactors back on line, (e)call in the children from Children of Methuseleh, (f) send them to the main Bridge, and (g) start searching for a planet to call home.

Some days, I wonder if most of the people who made The Starlost suffered from “space senility.”  (The Pisces)

Next Episode:  Circuit of Death




All images in this post are screen captures from a series that is freely available at and YouTube.
